SDI Pola Whitening Gel Buyers Guide Main Image

SDI Pola Teeth Whitening Gels: Buyers Guide



If you have been whitening your teeth for years or are an avid health and beauty brand aficionado, then you will have definitely heard of SDI Pola.

Founded in Australia, SDI Pola teeth whitening gel has seen a huge rise in popularity across the UK in the last few years as both professional dentists and home-whiteners rave over the whitening results they have seen.

Known for being the sponsors of the Miss World beauty competition, SDI Pola have helped propel the value that a bright white smile can bring.

So if you are looking for that Miss World whiteness or just want to brighten your teeth a few shades whiter, SDI Pola have a range of whitening gels that will be perfectly suited to your unique needs.

But which SDI Pola whitening gel is best for me, you say? Don’t worry we got you, you’re in the right place!

Here at 365 teeth Whitening we have created this ultimate buyers guide to SDI Pola whitening gels so that you can better understand each whitening gel in the range, and choose one that is perfectly suited to you.

But before we get into the actual product breakdowns, first it’s important to understand a bit more about SDI Pola whitening gels, what they do and things to consider when using SDI Pola whitening gel.

Let’s get into it.

What Is SDI Pola Teeth Whitening Gel?

SDI Pola whitening gels are a powerful teeth whitening product that uses the same high impact whitening chemicals that professional dentists use as part of their teeth whitening services.

Whether its a carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide based solution, SDI Pola whitening gels have formed an enviable reputation for achieving amazing teeth whitening results in the home.

One of the key benefits of SDI Pola whitening gels that set them apart from the competition is that they are a cheaper alternative to the already established teeth whitening brands.

This alone has allowed them to gain a significant following from people looking for whitening gels that deliver the same whitening results as the more pricier whitening gels, but at a fraction of the cost.

If you are looking for a budget friendly whitening gel from a trusted brand that delivers amazing results quickly, SDI Pola whitening gels are definitely a product worth considering.

Things To Consider Before Buying SDI Pola Whitening Gel

Are Your Teeth In Good Condition?

Before you even start considering whether to whiten your teeth, the first thing we highly recommend is to get professional advice from your dentist first.

It is absolutely paramount that you know your teeth are in a good enough condition before deciding to use SDI Pola whitening gel, or any teeth whitening product for that matter.

By getting professional advice and approval from your dentist, you will not only ensure SDI Pola whitening gel will work on your teeth and give you the amazing whitening results you want, it will also ensure you have peace of mind that you are not potentially damaging your teeth or gums further.

Do You Have Sensitive Teeth?

Sensitive teeth is a very common occurrence for many people and this causes them to think they can whiten their teeth with whitening gel. This is further from the truth.

Although teeth whitening gel contains whitening compounds like carbamide peroxide and hydrogen peroxide that can cause teeth sensitivity if too powerful or used incorrectly, many people with teeth sensitivity continue to whiten their teeth without any issues.

One of the best ways to reduce and control teeth sensitivity other than using the correct strength whitening gel and ensuring you use it exactly as per the manufacturer’s instructions, is to use a sensitive teeth whitening toothpaste and/or a remineralisation gel.

When you add these two additional products into your teeth whitening routine, you can massively reduce and even stop teeth sensitivity from happening in the first place.

If you do struggle with teeth sensitivity but would still like to whiten your teeth with an SDI Pola whitening gel then we highly recommend you start with the lowest strength SDI Pola whitening gel available – SDI Pola Day 6% Whitening Gel.

Do You Have Gum Problems?

Similar to teeth sensitivity above, if you have or have a history of gum problems or gum disease then it is highly recommended you speak to your dentist first.

Due to the reactive properties found in whitening gels, these can cause long term damage to people who have gum problems or gum disease.

Do You Have Good Dental Hygiene?

No matter what whitening gel you use, whether it has the highest strength hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide whitening solution, if you don’t have a good daily dental hygiene routine, you won’t see the long term whitening results you are looking for.

One of the best ways to maximise your whitening results is to use a recommended whitening toothpaste daily. Fortunately, here at 365 Teeth Whitening, we have a range of highly recommended whitening toothpastes available to choose from.

Do You Consume Staining Foods & Drinks?

One of the biggest causes of yellow stained teeth is consumption of high staining foods and drinks such as coffee, tea, red wine, dark chocolate and some dark fruits such as blackberries.

The good news is that SDI Pola whitening gels can make light work of these type of stains, even if they have been built up over years, however, if you continue to consume a lot of these high staining foods and drinks, even after whitening, then you will never have the long term whitening results you desire.

Do You Smoke?

Another key cause of yellow stained teeth is smoking. If you smoke cigarettes, cigars or other forms of tobacco then you will always suffer from a dull yellow smile.

Although SDI Pola whitening gel can also make easy work of deep tobacco stains, if you continue to smoke tobacco products then you will never have that amazing white smile you have always dreamed of.

Are Whitening Strips Better Suited?

If there is one question we get asked the most by our customers here at 365 Teeth Whitening it’s ‘are whitening gels or whitening strips best for me?’.

And we understand why. It’s a very good question.

As each person has their own unique needs and desires, there is not one answer that fits all except ‘what are your preferences?’.

Do you dread the thought of putting whitening gel in your mouth? Do you want quick whitening results? Do you want to whiten your teeth the traditional way? Do you prefer the convenience of whitening strips? – these are just some of the questions you need to consider.

Once you have a clear idea on the type of teeth whitening product you want to use and why it is best suited to you, then you will know which whitening product to buy.

SDI Pola Whitening Gels: Buyers Guide

Now you know a little more about SDI Pola whitening gels, what they are and what they do, now it’s time to get into serious details of finding out which SDI Pola whitening gel is best for you.

In this part of the buyers guide we go through the key scenarios which our customers commonly ask us so that you find which SDI Pola whitening gel is the best for your own unique needs.

Below we have shortlisted the various SDI Pola teeth whitening gels based on the following scenarios:

Best SDI Pola Whitening Gels: Overall

SDI Pola Day 35%

Without doubt, SDI Pola Day 35% whitening gel is one of the most popular SDI Pola whitening gels we stock here at 365 Teeth Whitening, and for good reason.

Packed with a super-strength 35% carbamide peroxide whitening solution, it is fast acting and generates amazing whitening results.

One of the other key benefits of SDI Pola Day 35% whitening gel is that its a ‘day’ formula which means it only needs to be used for a maximum of 30 minutes per day, making it extremely convenient for those in the home or office.

All of the above make SDI Pola Day 35% whitening gel one of the best overall whitening gels in the SDI Pola range, and indeed the teeth whitening industry as a whole.

Here on 365 Teeth Whitening, you can pick up a 2 syringe refill pack of SDI Pola Day 35% whitening gel for just £17.99 (approx £9 per syringe).

SDI Pola Night 22%

Another hugely popular whitening gel in the SDI Pola range, SDI Pola Night 22% whitening gel is also packed with a super-powered 22% carbamide peroxide whitening solution.

One of the key benefits of SDI Pola Night 22% whitening gel is that it’s a ‘night’ product meaning it’s best used in the night during sleep (although it can be used in the day too), making it perfect for those with busy day lifestyles.

If you are looking for maximum whitening results but don’t want to be whitening during daytime then SDI Pola 22% Night whitening solution is a great overall whitening gel to use.

Here on 365 Teeth Whitening, you can pick up a 2 syringe refill pack of SDI Pola Night 22% whitening gel for just £17.99 (approx £9 per syringe).

Best SDI Pola Whitening Gels: Beginners

SDI Pola Day 6%

If you are just starting off in your teeth whitening journey then we always highly recommend you speak to your dentist first to get a clean bill of health. Once your dentist is happy your teeth are in good enough condition to whiten then the next step should always be to use the lowest strength whitening gel possible, in this case SDI Pola Day 6% whitening gel.

Although at first you may wince at the 6% strength, don’t be fooled. SDI Pola Day 6% whitening gel uses hydrogen peroxide instead of carbamide peroxide making it very powerful even with such a low % strength whitening solution.

SDI Pola Day 6% whitening gel is by far the most popular SDI Pola whitening gel for beginners here on 365 Teeth Whitening.

Here on 365 Teeth Whitening, you can pick up a 2 syringe refill pack of SDI Pola Day 6% whitening gel for just £17.99 (approx £9 per syringe).

SDI Pola Night 10%

Another great option for beginner teeth whiteners is SDI Pola Night 10% whitening gel.

Although it has a slightly higher % strength whitening solution than SDI Pola Day 6% whitening gel, it uses the less powerful carbamide peroxide solution, making it another great whitening gel for beginners.

Like with SDI Pola Day 6% whitening gel above, if you are a beginner teeth whitener then we always highly recommend you speak to your dentist first before using any SDI Pola whitening gel (or any whitening product for that matter).

Here on 365 Teeth Whitening, you can pick up a 2 syringe refill pack of SDI Pola Night 10% whitening gel for just £17.99 (approx £9 per syringe).

Best SDI Pola Whitening Gels: Maximum Whiteness

SDI Pola Day 35%

If you are looking for maximum teeth whiteness with SDI Pola whitening gels then you can’t go wrong with SDI Pola Day 35% whitening gel.

SDI Pola Day 35% whitening gel is the highest strength carbamide peroxide whitening gel in the SDI Pola range which automatically ensures it will deliver the best whitening results from all the SDI Pola whitening gels in the range.

Here on 365 Teeth Whitening, you can pick up a 2 syringe refill pack of SDI Pola Day 35% whitening gel for just £17.99 (approx £9 per syringe).

SDI Pola Day 9.5%

Another high impact whitening product in the SDI Pola Day range, SDI Pola Day 9.5% whitening gel also offers amazing whitening results.

At first you might be thinking why is a 9.5% whitening gel being recommended when there are other whitening gels over 20% strength? Well the answer is very simple.

SDI Pola Day 9.5% whitening gel uses the more impactful hydrogen peroxide whitening solution which means in terms of whitening power, it’s actually more powerful then most carbamide peroxide whitening gels over 20% strength.

As SDI Pola Day 9.5% whitening gel is the highest strength hydrogen peroxide whitening gel in the SDI Pola range, if you are looking for maximum whiteness then we highly recommend SDI Pola Day 9.5% whitening gel.

Here on 365 Teeth Whitening, you can pick up a 2 syringe refill pack of SDI Pola Day 9.5% whitening gel for just £17.99 (approx £9 per syringe).

Best SDI Pola Whitening Gels: Sensitive Teeth

SDI Pola Day 6%

Similar as we have pointed out for ‘beginners’ above, if you have sensitive teeth then we recommend starting with the lowest % strength whitening gels as possible, and then working up the strengths until you know your limits.

If you prefer a hydrogen peroxide whitening gel then when recommended you start with SDI Pola Day 6% whitening gel as this is the lowest % hydrogen peroxide whitening gel in the SDI Pola range.

As with any issues around teeth sensitivity, we highly recommend you use sensitive whitening toothpaste and remineralisation gel as part of your daily dental hygiene routine.

Here on 365 Teeth Whitening, you can pick up a 2 syringe refill pack of SDI Pola Day 6% whitening gel for just £17.99 (approx £9 per syringe).

SDI Pola Night 10%

Another great SDI Pola whitening gel product for those with sensitive teeth is SDI Pola Night 10% whitening gel.

Although it has a slightly higher % strength than SDI Pola Day 6% whitening gel above, this product uses carbamide peroxide instead of hydrogen peroxide which means it’s actually the lowest strength whitening gel in the SDI Pola range making it perfect for those with sensitive teeth.

SDI Pola Night 10% whitening gel consistently ranks here at 365 Teeth Whitening as one of the best whitening gels for sensitive teeth.

Here on 365 Teeth Whitening, you can pick up a 2 syringe refill pack of SDI Pola Night 10% whitening gel for just £17.99 (approx £9 per syringe).

Best SDI Pola Whitening Gels: Quick Results

SDI Pola Day 35%

If you are looking for the quickest whitening results then you need to choose the highest strength whitening gels possible, and in the case of SDI Pola, this is SDI Pola Day 35% whitening gel.

As mentioned a few times above, SDI Pola Day 35% whitening gel uses a high strength carbamide peroxide whitening solution and although not as powerful as hydrogen peroxide, trust us when we say 35% carbamide peroxide gets amazing whitening results quickly!

If you are looking for fast whitening results, you can’t go wrong with SDI Pola Day 35% whitening gel.

Here on 365 Teeth Whitening, you can pick up a 2 syringe refill pack of SDI Pola Day 35% whitening gel for just £17.99 (approx £9 per syringe).

SDI Pola Day 9.5%

Another SDI POla whitening gel recommendation for quick results is the SDI Pola Day 9.5% whitening gel. This is the highest strength hydrogen peroxide whitening gel in the SDI Pola range.

As you can imagine, with a high powered 9.5% hydrogen peroxide whitening formula, you will get amazing whitening results with this product!

Here on 365 Teeth Whitening, you can pick up a 2 syringe refill pack of SDI Pola Day 9.5% whitening gel for just £17.99 (approx £9 per syringe).

How To Use SDI Pola Whitening Gel

Before you use SDI Pola whitening gel, if you want to make sure you get maximum results without injuring your teeth or gums, it is essential you know how to use SDI Pola whitening gel correctly.

Fortunately, here at 365 Teeth Whitening, we have created a detailed ‘step-by-step’ SDI Pola whitening gel user guide so you get the most out of your SDI Pola whitening gel.

To read our SDI Pola whitening gel ‘how to use’ guide, simply click here.

How To Boost SDI Pola Whitening Gel Results

Whitening Toothpaste

If you are looking for a quick and cost-effective way to boost your teeth whitening results, then you should definitely consider a high-impact whitening toothpaste.

As you are probably aware, there are numerous whitening toothpastes available but not all whitening toothpastes are created equal.

One of the key things you need to take into account when choosing a whitening toothpaste, especially one that will actually improve and enhance your whitening results, is what whitening ingredients it contains.

If you are looking for a whitening toothpaste that has the best whitening ingredients on the market then you definitely need to take a look at Crest’s whitening toothpaste range.

Formulated with high-powered hydrogen peroxide plus additional whitening and anti-cavity ingredients, Crest whitening toothpaste is some of the best money can buy.

As with every teeth whitening product, whitening toothpaste must be incorporated into your daily dental hygiene routine to ensure maximum teeth whitening results are obtained and maintained.

Here at 365 Teeth Whitening, we stock a range of recommended and impactful whitening toothpastes for you to choose from. Simply click here to browse our range of excellent whitening toothpastes.

LED Booster Light

Another amazing yet cost-effective way to boost your teeth whitening results is to utilise an LED booster light as part of your teeth whitening routine.

An LED booster light works by activating and enhancing the whitening solution (hydrogen peroxide/carbamide peroxide) whilst it’s getting to work on your teeth.

We have heard amazing customer testimonials on the impact an LED booster light has had on their whitening results, many from expert home teeth whiteners who have never used an LED booster light before.

Things To Be Mindful Of When Using SDI Pola Whitening Gel

Mouth Trays

If you are planning to purchase a SDI Pola whitening gel(s) then you also need to purchase some mouldable mouth trays if you haven’t already got some.

Mouth trays are an essential component of any teeth whitening gel routine as it allows the whitening gel to bond to your teeth and start the whitening process.

You can visit your dentist and ask them to create custom mouth trays for you but this can be a costly and long winded process (custom mouth trays are usually sent off to a specialist dental lab and can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks to be created and handed back to you).

Alternatively, you can purchase self-created ‘mouldable’ mouth trays that you create yourself in the comfort of your home and take literally a few minutes to complete.

The good news is you can purchase a set of mouldable mouth trays here on 365 teeth Whitening from just £4.99.

High Strength Products

One of the most important things to be mindful of when using SDI Pola whitening gels is the % strength and whitening formula of the gel you are using. This is especially important if you are new to teeth whitening or may have sensitive teeth,

High % strength whitening gels, especially ones containing hydrogen peroxide can cause teeth and mouth injuries if not handled and used correctly.

Usage Instructions

When using SDI Pola whitening gels, especially if you are a beginner or novice with these products, it is absolutely paramount that you follow the manufacturer’s usage instructions at all times.

Using SDI Pola whitening gel carelessly or haphazardly will only result in injuries to your teeth and gums.

The good news is, here at 365 Teeth Whitening, on all our SDI Pola whitening gel product pages, we include step-by-step instructions on how to use the product correctly. We also include a copy of the manufacturers instructions should you wish to also take a look at these too.

Treatment Plans

If you want to achieve the absolute maximum whitening results from the SDI Pola whitening gel of your choice, it is essential that you use the product for the recommended amount of days and wear time.

If you don’t wear the product for the recommended amount of days/wear time, the whitening gel won’t be able to maximise your whitening results.

If you are unsure about the recommended treatment plan for your SDI POla whitening gel product, please check the corresponding product page on 365 Teeth Whitening website and look for the ‘instructions’ tab.

Teeth Issues

Before you start any whitening treatment with SDI Pola whitening gel, it is absolutely imperative that you get a good understanding of your teeth and gums.

Your local dentist will be able to give you a professional opinion but just even knowing which teeth are more sensitive than others and which gums may have bleeding will ensure you minimise any risks associated with the product.

If you do have a history of dental or gum disease, suffer with extreme teeth sensitivity or have poor tooth decay, it is advisable to not use SDI Pola whitening gel and instead use a whitening product more appropriate.

Start With Low Strength Gels

As you have probably guessed by now, teeth whitening gels use high strength whitening formulas which can cause a variety of dental health issues if not handled correctly.

If you are new to teeth whitening and you do want to use an SDI Pola whitening gel then we highly recommend you start with the lowest % strength so you can further help reduce these potential dental health issues.

Once you have used the lowest % strength gel first, you will be able to assess the whitening results and the impact it has had on your teeth. If you feel your teeth are fine but would like to go a few shades whiter, then it’s time to choose a higher % strength whitening gel until you find the right blend between % strength, whitening results and impact on your teeth.



We hope this SDI Pola whitening gel buyers guide has been useful for you.

If you were unsure about which SDI Pola whitening gel to choose, or were looking for more information about the SDI Pola whitening gel range, we hope this buyer’s guide has helped answer the questions you had.

If you are looking to whiten your teeth on a budget, you really can’t look past SDI Pola. With some of the most competitive prices, whitening results and customer reviews, SDI Pola whitening gel really is a great all-round whitening product.

Legal Disclaimer

All of the information in this buyer’s guide is by its nature generic. You should not place any specific reliance on any generic advice displayed in this guide. All patients are different and their dental problems are therefore also different. We strongly recommend that you speak to a qualified dentist/orthodontist before purchasing any products listed in this guide or on this website. 365 Teeth Whitening makes no warranty or representation that any of the information in this guide is accurate, complete or current or that it contains no technical or typographical errors. For more information, please visit our terms & conditions.

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