Opalescence Whitening Gel Buyers Guide Main Image

Opalescence Teeth Whitening Gels: Buyers Guide



When it comes to one of the fastest growing and popular teeth whitening brands in the world, you can’t look past Opalescence.

Founded in the USA and fast becoming celebrities and social media influencers go to teeth whitening brand, Opalescence whitening gels have seen a boom in popularity over the last few years, especially in the UK.

Known for their high impact and high strength teeth whitening gels, Opalescence certainly has a wide range of teeth whitening gels to choose from.

Whether you are looking for their classic teeth whitening gels or their hugely popular ‘pre-made’ whitening gel trays (Opalescence Go), it is important you know which Opalescence whitening gel is perfect for your needs.

That’s where this Opalescence buyers guide comes in!

Before we go into detail about the different Opalescence teeth whitening gel products you can choose from, first you need to know what Opalescence whitening gel and how it works.

What Is Opalescence Teeth Whitening Gel?

Opalescence Whitening Ges Intro Image

Opalescence teeth whitening gel is a fast acting teeth whitening solution which contains the highly effective carbamide peroxide whitening agent.

Available in many different strengths and flavours, Opalescence whitening gel has won legions of followers across the world and is known for its amazing teeth whitening results. It is also one of the cheaper whitening gels on the market meaning it’s perfect for those on a budget.

One of the unique features of Opalescence whitening gel is their patented syringe technology allowing for precise application of the whitening gel in mouth trays. This ensures the right amount of gel is used per each tooth and in the correct location in the mouth tray.

Opalescence whitening gel is also famous for having a range of different flavours such as regular, mint and melon – making it perfect for those who want a whitening gel that doesn’t taste chemically.

Ultimately, if you want a budget-friendly, fast acting, great tasting and high impact whitening gel then you can’t go wrong with Opalescence.

Things To Consider Before Buying Opalescence Whitening Gel

Are Your Teeth In Good Condition?

No matter what teeth whitening product you choose to buy, whether it’s a high strength whitening gel or a simple whitening toothpaste, the most important thing to consider is if your teeth are in a good enough condition to use the product and not cause you any long-term damage to your teeth.

If you are planning on purchasing Opalescence teeth whitening gel, we always advise you speak with your dentist or a dental professional to make sure your teeth are in a good enough condition to use the product.

Not only will this prevent any further damage to your teeth, it will also ensure you have peace of mind when using Opalescence whitening gel.

Do You Have Sensitive Teeth?

If you have sensitive teeth you may be thinking that you can’t use Opalescence whitening gel. This is not true at all.

Although any teeth whitening product will cause discomfort if you have very sensitive teeth, with a good daily dental hygiene routine using sensitive whitening toothpaste, flossing and the addition of a post-whitening anti-sensitivity product like remineralisation gel, you can still use Opalescence whitening gel without causing any teeth sensitivity.

If you do have sensitive teeth or you are concerned you may cause tooth sensitivity by using Opalescence whitening gel, but you also do want to use Opalescence whitening gel then we highly recommend you start with the lowest strength product in the Opalescence range.

This way you can test to see if the lowest strength Opalescence whitening gel causes sensitivity with your teeth. If it doesn’t cause any sensitivity and you want to whiten your teeth even brighter, then you can move up to the next strength Opalescence whitening gel with confidence.

Do You Have Gum Problems?

If you do have gum issues like gum disease or bleeding gums then we highly recommend you speak with your dentist or a dental professional to get advice before using Opalescence whitening gel.

The reason for this is the main whitening chemical in Opalescence whitening gel – carbamide peroxide, can cause oral health issues for those with gum problems.

Do You Have Good Dental Hygiene?

One of the fundamental points to keep in mind before using Opalescence whitening gel is do you have a good dental hygiene routine? For example, do you brush your teeth twice daily with whitening toothpaste? Do you floss? Do you use mouthwash? If the answer to most of these questions is ‘no’ then you will not get the best whitening results, not to mention whitening results that last a long time.

In order to maximise your Opalescence whitening gel results, we highly recommend a good daily dental hygiene routine is implemented to help maximise your whitening results, not just your immediate whitening results but long term whitening results also.

Do You Consume Staining Foods & Drinks?

If you consume a lot of straining foods and drinks, this will definitely have an effect on the quality of your whitening results.

Drinks such as coffee, tea, red wine and fizzy drinks all contribute to the colour and health of your teeth. Also foods such as dark chocolate and dense tomato sauces found in pastas etc can also cause teeth discolouration over a period of time.

Even though Opalescence whitening gel can remove even the toughest of stains, it’s always a good idea to see if you can cut back on consuming these staining foods and drinks – if you do, your whitening results will be far superior and last a lot longer.

Do You Smoke?

Did you know smoking is the #1 cause of stained and discoloured teeth? Whether you smoke cigarettes, cigars or chew tobacco, if you smoke, your teeth are not going to stay white for very long.

Like with staining foods and drinks above, if you can cut down your consumption of tobacco products, your teeth will not only be brighter and more healthier, you will also look and feel more confident too.

Are Whitening Strips Better Suited?

This is the #1 question we get asked by our customers who are unsure whether to purchase whitening gel or whitening strips.

Our answer is simply ‘what is your preference?’. If you are happy to use whitening gel, mouth trays and are not bothered by any mess after whitening, then whitening gel is the perfect option for you.

Another option you can consider which is unique to Opalescence is the ‘Opalescence GO’ pre-filled mouth trays. This particular product takes care of the preparation (the mouth trays are already pre-filled with the exact amount of whitening gel) and post-whitening (the trays can be easily disposed after use). If you want to use Opalescence whitening gel but don’t want any of the hassle, then we highly recommend you consider Opalescence GO pre-filled whitening trays.

If on the other hand, you don’t feel confident about using whitening gel, mouth trays, or you don’t want to be bothered with all the preparation and post whitening clean-up, then whitening strips may be a better choice for you.

Opalescence Whitening Gels: Buyers Guide

So, now you know a little bit more about Opalescence whitening gel and have considered some of the key things you need to consider before using this product, let’s get into the nitty gritty and the reason you are here – which Opalescence whitening gel is best for you?

Below we have shortlisted the various Opalescence whitening gels based on the following scenarios:

Best Opalescence Whitening Gels: Overall

Opalescence 35%

Opalescence 35% teeth whitening gel is widely considered one of the best teeth whitening gels on the market today for the simple reason, it works amazingly well and tastes great.

When it comes to combating the toughest stains on teeth, Opalescence 35% whitening gel, with its super-strength 35% carbamide peroxide whitening formula can easily tackle years of heavy staining after just a few uses of the product.

In fact, many of our customers tell us they can see noticeable whitening results after just one use!

The other key factor of Opalescence 35% whitening gel that customers really like is its amazing taste. Unlike other whitening gels on the market which can taste chemically, Opalescence 35% whitening gel with its amazing cool mint flavour doesn’t have this problem.

If you are looking for a fast acting, great tasting whitening gel that produces amazing whitening results after just a few usages, you can’t go wrong with Opalescence 35% whitening gel.

Here on 365 Teeth Whitening, you can pick up a 2 syringe refill pack of Opalescence 35% whitening gel for just £27.99 (approx £14 per syringe).

Opalescence GO 15%

One of Opalescence’s innovative ‘no hassle’ whitening gel products, Opalescence GO is fast becoming one of Opalescence’s most popular products.

Created to remove the worry about too much whitening gel being used and the mess that goes with filling your own whitening mouth trays, Opalescence GO was designed to be the ultimate whitening gel product that could be used by whitening beginners and experts alike.

Coming with a very powerful 15% hydrogen whitening solution, Opalescence GO are pre-filled mouth trays that are ready to go straight away. Simply remove the packaging, mould the trays to your teeth and your teeth will be whitened in no time. No mess, no hassle, no time-wasting.

Here on 365 Teeth Whitening, you can pick up a box of 10 pre-filled Opalescence GO 15% whitening trays and toothpaste for just £99.99 (approx £10 per tray).

Best Opalescence Whitening Gels: Beginners

Opalescence 10%

Opalescence 10% whitening gel is the lowest strength whitening gel in the Opalescence range so it makes for the perfect choice if you are a beginner or are just starting out on your teeth whitening journey.

Another reason which makes Opalescence 10% whitening gel a perfect choice for beginners is that it uses carbamide peroxide instead of hydrogen peroxide. This means there will be less chance of tooth enamel or gum damage if too much gel is used.

A lot of customers here at 365 Teeth Whitening have reported amazing results with this product so if you are a beginner, it is highly recommended to start with this product first.

Here on 365 Teeth Whitening, you can pick up a 2 syringe refill pack of Opalescence 10% whitening gel for just £27.99 (approx £14 per syringe).

Opalescence GO 10%

Like above, Opalescence GO 10% is the less-strength version of its more powerful 15% sister product.

The good news however is that with its pre-filled trays, if you are a beginner or just starting out on your teeth whitening journey, Opalescence GO 10% is the perfect choice.

The fact that you don’t need to fill your mouth trays yourself and each of the pre-filled trays come with the exact amount of whitening solution, this massively minimises any chance of tooth enamel or gum damage. The hard work is already done for you.

Here on 365 Teeth Whitening, you can pick up a box of 10 pre-filled Opalescence GO 10% whitening trays and toothpaste for just £99.99 (approx £10 per tray).

Best Opalescence Whitening Gels: Maximum Whiteness

Opalescence 45%

The highest strength whitening gel in the Opalescence range, the Opalescence 45% teeth whitening gel will achieve the maximum teeth whitening results possible.

Even though it has a very high strength carbamide peroxide whitening solution, if handled carefully and used exactly as per manufacturer recommendations, this product is very safe to use.

We do however recommend you consult your dentist or dental professional before using this product to ensure your teeth and gums are in a satisfactory condition to use this product.

Lastly, due to the high strength whitening solution on Opalescence 45% whitening gel, discomfort and teeth sensitivity can be quite common. Therefore, we recommend you utilise a sensitive whitening toothpaste or remineralisation gel as part of your whitening regime with this product.

Here on 365 Teeth Whitening, you can pick up a 2 syringe refill pack of Opalescence 45% whitening gel for just £34.99 (approx £18 per syringe).

Opalescence 35%

As mentioned above, Opalescence’s 35% teeth whitening gel is one of the most popular and strongest products in the Opalescence range.

Packing a powerful 35% carbamide peroxide whitening solution, Opalescence 35% can pretty much tackle any stain, no matter how dark or how long it has built up over time.

This high strength carbamide peroxide whitening solution ensures that you will achieve amazing whitening results with a relatively small wear time.

Here on 365 Teeth Whitening, you can pick up a 2 syringe refill pack of Opalescence 35% whitening gel for just £27.99 (approx £14 per syringe).

Best Opalescence Whitening Gels: Sensitive Teeth

Opalescence 10%

As we mentioned further up in this guide, Opalescence 10% whitening gel is the lowest strength whitening gel product in the Opalescence range.

The fact that it also uses the less powerful carbamide peroxide whitening formula means Opalescence 10% whitening gel is the best product in the Opalescence range suited for people with sensitive teeth.

If you do suffer with sensitive teeth then we highly recommend you begin with Opalescence 10% whitening gel, and then move up to the next strength accordingly based on how sensitive your teeth are.

Like with all teeth whitening products, if you do decide to purchase Opalescence 10% whitening gel, we highly recommend you purchase a sensitive whitening toothpaste and remineralisation gel to help reduce teeth sensitivity as much as possible, both before and after using the product.

Here on 365 Teeth Whitening, you can pick up a 2 syringe refill pack of Opalescence 10% whitening gel for just £27.99 (approx £14 per syringe).

Opalescence GO 10%

People may wonder what is the difference between Opalescence 10% whitening gel and Opalescence GO 10% other than the pre-filled trays, well the answer is the type of whitening solution used in each product.

Whereas the standard Opalescence 10% whitening gel uses carbamide peroxide, Opalescence GO 10% uses the more powerful hydrogen peroxide.

You may be thinking, why have you included a more powerful whitening product for people with sensitive teeth, well the answer is simply down to the product itself.

As this product comes with ‘pre-filled mouth trays’, the correct amount of whitening solution has already been added to the tray for you. And as a lot of teeth sensitivity comes from people using too much whitening gel, this product is perfect for those who want to avoid any teeth sensitivity issues due to overuse of whitening gel or otherwise.

Opalescence GO 10% is also the lowest strength product in the Opalescence GO range.

Here on 365 Teeth Whitening, you can pick up a box of 10 pre-filled Opalescence GO 10% whitening trays and toothpaste for just £99.99 (approx £10 per tray).

Best Opalescence Whitening Gels: Quick Results

Opalescence 45%

If you are looking for the best Opalescence whitening gel which offers the quickest results then there’s only one product to consider – Opalescence 45% whitening gel.

Simply put, it has the highest strength whitening solution out of all the whitening gels in the Opalescence range which means the fastest whitening results available.

As we have mentioned further above in this guide, Opalescence 45% whitening gel should only be used after consulting your dentist and after you have experience in whitening your teeth.

Here on 365 Teeth Whitening, you can pick up a 2 syringe refill pack of Opalescence 45% whitening gel for just £27.99 (approx £14 per syringe).

Opalescence 35%

One of the most popular products in the Opalescence range, Opalescence 35% whitening gel will certainly get you amazing whitening results fast!

Although slightly less strong than the super-powered Opalescence 45% whitening gel, it still packs a big whitening punch in a short amount of time.

If you are looking for fast-acting teeth whitening results but are not comfortable or confident in using the stronger Opalescence 45% whitening gel, then Opalescence 35% whitening gel is the next best product to use for fast-acting whitening results.

Here on 365 Teeth Whitening, you can pick up a 2 syringe refill pack of Opalescence 35% whitening gel for just £27.99 (approx £14 per syringe).

How To Use Opalescence Whitening Gel

If you really want to get the best possible results from using Opalescence teeth whitening gel, it is essential that you know how to use these products correctly.

Here at 365 Teeth Whitening, we have created a detailed ‘how to use’ guide that will show you step-by-step how to use Opalescence whitening gel correctly.

To read our Opalescence gel ‘how to use’ guide, simply click here.

How To Boost Opalescence Whitening Results

Whitening Toothpaste

One way to really boost your whitening results when using any of the Opalescence whitening gels, is to use a recommended whitening toothpaste.

Designed to enhance teeth whitening results both before and after usage of Opalescence teeth whitening gel, whitening toothpaste is fantastic at preserving your whitening results.

Whitening toothpaste has a range of whitening solutions that not only boost the whiteness of teeth but also prevent teeth enamel erosion, gum disease and bad breath.

If you have sensitive teeth, you can purchase special ‘sensitive’ versions of whitening toothpaste which is even better at preventing tooth sensitivity after using Opalescence whitening gel.

Here at 365 Teeth Whitening, we are proud to only stock the best whitening toothpastes on the market. If you are looking for a recommended and trusted whitening toothpaste to boost your whitening results, you can view our range of whitening toothpastes by clicking here.

LED Booster Light

Another great way to boost your whitening results with Opalescence whitening gel is to use an LED light. An LED light works by activating the whitening solution (carbamide/hydrogen peroxide) whilst the whitening solution is working its magic on your teeth.

Many of our customers have reported noticeable differences in whitening after just one use with an LED light compared to whitening without one.

Here on 365 Teeth Whitening, you can pick up a an LED Booster Light for just £7.99

Things To Be Mindful Of When Using Opalescence Whitening Gel

Mouth Trays

Unless you are planning on purchasing Opalescence GO pre-filled whitening trays, then you will need to purchase your own mouth trays if you are planning to use any of the standard Opalescence whitening gels.

Mouth trays are required so that you can put the correct amount of gel in each tooth section in the tray. This ensures each tooth will have a small amount of whitening gel attached to them so that even whitening can be achieved across the whole row of teeth.

The good news is that you don’t need to pay for costly custom mouth trays from your dentist. Instead you can purchase ‘mouldable’ mouth trays that you mould to your teeth in the comfort of your home.

And the best bit, you can buy these mouldable mouth trays for less than £10 here on 365 Teeth Whitening.

High Strength Products

If you are planning to purchase one of the higher strength Opalescence whitening gels then you do need to be mindful of the damage these products can cause if not handled correctly or as per the manufacturer’s instructions.

If you have never whitened your teeth before or are not confident in using whitening gels then we highly recommend you start off with a lower strength product as this way you will minimise any potential teeth enamel erosion, sensitivity or gum damage.

Usage Instructions

As with all products that contain potentially harmful chemicals or solutions, it is essential that you follow the recommended usage instructions from the manufacturer or the provider you bought the product from.

If you use Opalescence whitening gel incorrectly, you will increase the chance of teeth enamel erosion, tooth sensitivity and potentially long-term gum problems so always make sure you use the product in accordance with its usage guidelines.

Treatment Plans

Another key thing to be mindful of when using Opalescence whitening gel is to make sure you wear the product as per its treatment plan.

Due to the variances in strength and type of whitening solution (carbamide peroxide/hydrogen peroxide), some Opalescence whitening gels require either overnight wear or day wear. Some require a small amount of wear time whilst others will require longer wear time.

Lastly, always follow the recommended days in the treatment plan for Opalescence whitening gel you are using.This will ensure you get the maximum whitening results the product offers.

Teeth Issues

One of the most important, if not the most important things to be mindful of before using any Opalescence teeth whitening gel is to understand the condition of your teeth.

Before using any Opalescence whitening gel (or any whitening product for that matter) we always recommend speaking to your dentist first so that you get professional advice on the condition of your teeth.

If you have extreme teeth sensitivity, poor tooth enamel, bad tooth decay, a history of dental/gum disease, or you have crowns and bridges etc, Opalescence whitening gel will not be the right whitening product for you.

If in doubt, speak to your dentist first before purchasing any teeth whitening product.

Start With Low Strength Gels

As we have mentioned a few times in this Opalescence buyers guide, if you are new to teeth whitening or not confident in using whitening gels but want to give them a go anyway, we highly advise you start with the lowest strength Opalescence whitening gel.

This will ensure you minimise any issues or side effects that can sometimes happen with whitening gels.

Once you are confident in using the product or want to increase your whitening results further, then you can choose a higher strength Opalescence whitening gel, safe in the knowledge that you are confident in using the product and can avert any additional issues which may come from using high strength Opalescence whitening gels.



So now you know.

If you are interested in Opalescence whitening gel, or are unsure which Opalescence whitening gel to choose, we hope this Opalescence buyers guide has helped shine a light on the key products in the Opalescence gel range.

So now you know which are the best Opalescence whitening gels to choose based on the key customer scenarios (maximum whiteness, sensitivity etc), why not start your Opalescence teeth whitening journey today and get that amazing white smile you have always dreamed of!

Legal Disclaimer

All of the information in this buyer’s guide is by its nature generic. You should not place any specific reliance on any generic advice displayed in this guide. All patients are different and their dental problems are therefore also different. We strongly recommend that you speak to a qualified dentist/orthodontist before purchasing any products listed in this guide or on this website. 365 Teeth Whitening makes no warranty or representation that any of the information in this guide is accurate, complete or current or that it contains no technical or typographical errors. For more information, please visit our terms & conditions.

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